Services responsible
- Federal Intelligence Service (FIS)
- Compulsory measures courts
- Office of the Atorney General of Switzerland (OAG)
- Cantons
- Cantonal juvenile prosecution services
- Federal Office of Justice (FOJ)
Instruments available
- Preparation of reports by the FIS for the OAG, SEM or fedpol
- Initial inquiries by the cantonal authorities if the case is urgent and federal law enforcement services are not yet active (Art. 27 Criminal Procedure Code CrimPC)
- CrimPC: preliminary and criminal investigation proceedings, coercive measures (e.g. communications surveillance, observation, preventive dialogue, pre-trial detention or alternative measures such as the restriction of travel documents or obligation to report to the police)
- Police cooperation and mutual assistance
- Swiss Criminal Code (SCC), in particular:
- Art. 260ter (participating in or supporting a criminal or terrorist organisation)
- Art. 260sexties (recruiting, training and travelling with a view to commiting a terrorist offence)
- Intelligence Service Act (IntelSA): Art. 74 para. 4 (participating in or supporting an illegal organisation or a terrorist or violent-extremist group)
Last modification 05.06.2024